Creating a colostrum bank with the ColostroBAGs
After milking, the colostrum is filled directly into the ColostroBAG – This is particularly easy with the practical bagfiller. In order to keep track of stocks, the ColostroBAG can be labeled with the date, name of the cow, quality of the colostrum, etc. Afterwards, the ColostroBAG is placed in the ColostroMAT, where the colostrum is gently and effectively pasteurized and then cooled down once again. The robust ColostroBAG can be frozen without difficulty and is therefore optimally suitable for storage and for the formation of a colostrum bank.
Hygienic dispensing of colostrum to your calves
Hygiene is of greatest importance with colostrum supply in order to protect the youngest calves against excessively high germ loads. With the ColostroBAGs, the refilling and thus the contamination of the colostrum is omitted: If necessary, the ColostroBAG can be placed directly into the ColostroMAT, where the first milk is thawed and heated to the optimum feeding temperature. The dispensing of the colostrum also takes place directly out of the ColostroBAG: Not only the teat but also the drenching tools can be screwed directly onto the ColostroBAG.
Feed or drench your calves conveniently with guaranteed germ-free first milk! When used in combination with the Comfort Caddy carrying aid, you will even have both hands free while doing so.
The advantages of the ColostroBAG at a glance:
- Optimum hygiene for optimum calf health
- All working steps with only one bag for simply colostrum management
- Convenient filling, marking, pasteurizing, freezing, storage and dispensing
- Convenient feeding directly from the ColostroBAG thanks to screw-on teat and drenching tools